Kristi's Photo a Day

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 35

Alison came down with a nasty stomach bug Tuesday night. She felt awful all day on Wednesday - the sickest she has ever been from a stomach flu. She laid on the couch the entire day watching tv and didn't want anyone near here. She only got up twice the entire day. All she had to eat or drink was one bottle of Sprite.

Since this picture was a bit boring I decided to have fun playing with it in Lightroom. I like how when the colors are distinct enough I can achieve selective coloring with the sliders rather than an extraction. The only problem is the gray line around the edge of the bottle. I could have avoided that problem if I had done an extraction. But this took 2 seconds and I really had no reason to spend time extracting a Sprite bottle!


  1. I think it looks cool and hey 2 seconds is a good thing especially if you've got a sick kiddo.

  2. I didn't notice the grey line till you pointed it out. The first thing I thought of when I saw the bottle was uh oh someone's sick.

    I sure hope she is feeling better now!!

  3. Hey, day 35, that means the year is 1/10th over! How did it go by so quickly? Hope she's feeling better, Sprite is a miracle drug you know.

  4. You're way too picky. The photo is great, the color really pops, and it didn't take you long. No one will notice the grey line.
    Hope your daughter feels better soon.

  5. I love how vivid the green is! Great shot!

  6. Great shot! I love the selective coloring! Hope your daughter feels better soon!

  7. This makes my mouth water!

  8. Its so stressful when our kiddos are sick! I get so thirsty looking at this though LOL I am so addicted to soda I should be embarresed lmao
